The Make-A-Wish organization is world-renowned for granting wishes to children facing serious illnesses. In Greece, Make-A-Wish Greece carries out a valuable work, giving smiles and hope to children who need it more than ever. Supporting this effort is not only an act of love and kindness, but also a substantial contribution to improving the lives of children and their families, and we at NAVA are well aware of this!
With the social corporate offering being an integral part of NAVA company's DNA, we started a new support collaboration, in the project of the organization Make-a-Wish Greece, on the occasion of the presentation of the new WE CARE children's series. With each purchase of the We Care series products, a percentage goes to support the adoption of wishes by the children of Make-a-Wish Greece, that's why each NAVA We Care purchase counts!
"Wishes have the power to change lives. For children fighting their own battles with serious illnesses, a wish that comes true can be a source of strength and optimism. These children need something to look forward to, something to give them the courage to continue. A wish that comes true can improve their psychological state and give them joy and hope."
The WE CARE range of food containers, bottle warmers and glasses meet the needs of the modern family. A series with unique designs, of high quality, with environmentally friendly materials, ideal for young and old.
The We Care series includes a wide range of food containers, bottles and thermos cups to meet the needs of every modern family. All products in the series are made of high-quality materials, free of BPA, PVC, phthalates and other harmful elements and completely safe for the hygienic storage of food. They are environmentally friendly, in unique designs and are an ideal choice for both young and old. Find the new range of food containers and thermos cups for children and adults in the largest supermarket chains, in baby stores & department stores, selected pharmacies, and of course in our online store.
Make-a-Wish Greece and NAVA!
The support of Make-A-Wish Greece is vital to making more wishes come true. Every donation, big or small, helps make dreams come true and gives priceless moments to children in need. Support can take many forms: from financial donations and volunteer work, to promoting the organization's work on social networks.
Supporting Make-A-Wish Greece is more than a charitable act. It is an investment in hope, optimism and love. Every participation, every donation and every hour of volunteering helps make dreams come true that bring smiles and strength to children in need. Let's all come together to give wings to these children's dreams and show them that they are not alone in their fight. The We Care series was made with love by us for you!
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